Love Is Learned

One Love Foundation

One Love Foundation approached Not To Scale and Kris Merc to illustrate their campaign for teenagers and love.

The magic of love is at the heart of this campaign, with the dynamic character styles and bespoke music track, reflecting the world young people are living in today and all the nuances of what love looks like to each person. Young people can often learn about love through questionable sources, but this film encourages them to learn how to build and maintain healthy relationships. 

Kris Merc,
“Love is a complex feeling and understanding healthy ways to love and seeing it in communities who often don’t get a chance to see themselves in animation, experiencing love, was important to me. It’s a mix media visual that comes to life in such a wild cool way and feels dream-like, like tapping into the pure emotion of love emerging.”

Director Kris Merc approached this project through the lens of reflecting that everyone deserves to see themselves love and be loved, through all the different forms this takes. This manifested itself not just in the visual identity and representation of the characters, but through the compelling storytelling and eye-catching 2D styles.

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