Inflatable House
Anthony Farquhar-Smith and Not To Scale London brings to life a simple but wonderfully visual script starring Olbas Oil hero, Lauren.
All bunged up on the sofa, Lauren is having one of those ‘duvet days’, when, suddenly, she is plagued by giant, mysterious balloons which swell around her, hemming her in. That is until Lauren reaches for a bottle of Olbas Oil, takes a sniff, and the balloons disappear. At last, Lauren can breathe again.
To create the perfect aesthetic, Anthony worked with illustrator, Izzy Burton. She designed two distinctive Laurens: the first one under the weather and bleary-eyed, and the second, refreshed, healthy and smiling. Anthony and the model makers, Yamination, endeavoured to keep the spirit of her drawings down to the smallest detail when creating the puppets and environment. As you can see, Izzy’s initial style frame is very similar to the finished product.
Initial Styleframes

It was not all stop motion...
We also employed the latest technological breakthrough in SFX during the shoot. And by "breakthrough " we mean someone under a desk blowing up a balloon. In truth, we used air-canisters and custom made balloons, but the effect is the same.