
yeti pictures -Yeti Pictures
Director & Agency

Take a peek into Yeti's magical miniworlds in "Miniwood" - which has also received a Vimeo Staff Pick!

behind the scenes

“We love to create personal projects in order to sharpen team skills and explore new creative paths. This time we wanted to re-create some of our favorite Hollywood movies in mini-world setups. We also wanted to design the 3D characters based on the toy action figures we played with as children."

“Our main challenge was to build these iconic worlds, so they look stylized but also bring to mind the actual movie shots. Also, the rigging of the characters was a bit tricky due to their stylized geometry, but adding that posterized timing in their movement helped a lot to make them feel like toys.”

“Finally, we worked along with Rabbeats Music Studio, in order to create an appropriate music track and sound design that would perfectly match with the visual narration. We wanted each scene to have a music theme inspired by the movie atmosphere and original score, without getting too close to the original due to copyrights.”

Yeti Pictures,
“It’s always hard to find spare time between commercial work to make these short films happen but team projects are what keeps Yeti moving forward and keeps our passion for animation alive.”
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