
Director & Agency

Courvoisier is a brand synonymous with quality and excellence all over the world. With a 200-year history and carte blanche with the vast Courvoisier archive collection, Not To Scale directors Alasdair and Jock take us on a journey of visual delight. 

A journey that reveals both the captivating story behind the iconic drink itself and the positive life-affirming values that Courvoisier imbues. Using modern animation techniques, they’ve reworked the existing archive imagery and found footage with designed elements to create a post-modern visual style that is sympathetic to the heritage of the brand.

Miranda Hart,
Creative Strategy Director - Wonderworks
“We loved working with visionary Directors Al & Jock, who adeptly brought to life the rich story of Courvoisier in a joyful style, while remaining true to the brand DNA.”
Alasdair & Jock,
“We love working with archive imagery and being able to adjust and almost ‘remix’ it to create a visual cocktail of our own.”
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