Trade On

Bittrex -Savants
Director & Agency

In our increasingly digital and cyber-world, where navigating the crypto space is like a never-ending dash to the finish line, Not To Scale New York and Hello Savants have created a highly stylised brand film for Bittrex, the crypto trading platform, to help us keep on track of our digital assets.

In a six-week race to delivery, the wild imaginations of the Hello Savants collective invent their own meta-verse where the fast-paced crypto space becomes a racing video game in vibrant and volumetric 2d animation. Our Bittrex Racer, Steady, sprints to victory, (as we all know slow and steady wins the race), offering the best tools and guidance to manoeuvre through crypto’s twists and turns.

Trade On

Working with an extensive group of illustrators and animators, Hello Savants were tasked with creating a film with a retro essence yet futuristic touch. 

The aesthetic is inspired by old motorbike races, 8-bit arcade games and animated cartoons of the 80s but the innovative direction of motion sequences and camera angles serves to retain that modern feel which is so crucial to the creation of their crypto-verse.

Lou Maxon,
Creative Director
“From the first meeting to the final cut, the creative collaboration was seamless, and the work continually elevated. Marco and his team embedded creativity and delight in every last pixel and brought the energy and edge of our idea to life in a most magical way that delighted and wowed our client.”
Artwork for pre-production
Artwork for pre-production
Marco Galmacci,
Hello Savants
“It has been an incredibly smooth and innovative project to work on for Savants, developing such individual characters and personalities, whilst working with a group of great illustrators and animators who were key in shaping the aesthetic of the animation.”

Keen to stand out against crypto’s live-action competitors, the agency created a well-developed, immersive and highly-crafted creative concept, turning to Not To Scale and Hello Savants to realise their vision.

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