Black-Owned Friday ' ‘Most Purposeful Campaign of the Year’.

News - 24.06.2021

Continuing its streak of high-profile recognition, Black-Owned Friday has been named as Campaign Live’s ‘Most Purposeful Campaign of the Year’. To redirect the focus of Black Friday onto black-owned businesses for one of the busiest shopping days of the year, Not To Scale & director Kris Merc worked together to create the ‘Grounded’ film within the campaign.

Created alongside Google & BBH New York, Grounded was created and animated within ten days with the Not To Scale New York team working around the clock to produce this vibrant film for a brilliant cause. The task was to create a unique campaign that created a tangible difference. Kris is known for championing causes and uplifting voices within his work so he jumped at the opportunity to collaborate on this project.

"It’s an honor to be a part of a campaign that had real impact. The intersection of art and activism is an important one that more of us should engage with. It’s essential that we support Black owned everything, and using these platforms to amplify voices is critical work. Brand films often are empty calories, we need to push for work that engages and moves the needle forward however possible. Our team, comprised of a spectrum of Bipoc black creatives really knocked this film out, with a lot of love and consideration. It’s not often we get to see a (virtual) room full of black creatives animating the work. It’s a beautiful thing to be a part of and seeing the impact of this campaign on Black owned Businesses fills our hearts and souls with love."
Kris Merc
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